Where is elBulli1846? What will the space contain?

elBulli1846 is located in Cala Montjoi (Roses) in the Cap de Creus National Park, an extraordinary natural environment that offers an ideal location for research and reflection.


The centre’s position is a distinguishing feature, given that it will house an exhibition space of 4,000m2 making use of both indoor and outdoor areas, located in the exact same space that housed elBullirestaurante.

The installation will be composed of elements of an artistic and informative nature with the objective of connecting knowledge and reflecting upon innovation.

Some of these elements will be permanent, whilst others are evolutionary and/or temporary, depending on the research work carried out by the creative team occupying the exhibition space. This space is also envisaged as a tool for research.

Consequently, the permanent exhibition on innovation that will housed in elBulli1846 will be a “work in progress” that is augmented and enriched thanks to these ongoing “live” exhibitions generated by our research teams.