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In this first part of the book, we set out the fundamental principles of Sapiens, the working methodology we employ to develop this volume and the forthcoming volumes in the series. Next, we present the Bullipedia gastronomic encyclopaedia, together with the various projects and formats that comprise it. Included among these is the object of this volume: unelaborated products.


Introduction to the project for gastronomic products

The aim of the project for edible gastronomic products, which forms part of the Bullipedia collection, is to offer a gastronomy-related tool that can be of service to all members of the public. Its publication offers an increased availability of knowledge and a detailed analysis through different approaches that brings to light multiple concepts. The ultimate goal of this project is to serve as a resource in the fine dining gastronomic restaurant sector and, more specifically, to facilitate the development of the gastronomic offer.

The first pages of this work serve to contextualise the meaning of concepts such as “gastronomic resource”, “product”, “gastronomic product” or “edible gastronomic product” as elements of the gastronomic restaurant. As proposed by the taxonomy of Sapiens, we focus on the last of these concepts, the “edible gastronomic product”, since it includes both unelaborated and elaborated products, the main elements addressed in this project. These concepts will be further explored throughout the seven volumes that make up this project.

To carry out the detailed study, analysis, description and classification of these gastronomic resources, we have worked on a series of general and specific aspects; but also address others, including their lexical, semantic, conceptual, historical, geopolitical and classificatory aspects.